Also the developer has provided a number of fixes and improvements, View all the details of 4.88.2 release of this latest CFW by release (4.88.1) Developer (creator of releases like SEN Enabler and PAUD Unpacker) has created and released 4.88 EVILNAT's COBRA CFW, following the success of 4.87 Evilnat's CFW, the developer provides another trusted CFW release that provides the Cobra Payload and all the features it brings (note: MAMBA is an alternative to the Cobra Payload, Cobra is included in firmware's where as MAMBA is typically injected in a Standard CEX CFW via a homebrew app. 2 Evilnat (Cobra 8.3) CFW, there is a number of new options like an added File manager, Option to toggle Cobra version, and various other new options detailed in the changlog provided below.

UPDATE 4.88.2:PS3 Developer updated and released 4.88.